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Ernst Koslitsch

Get ready to dive into my brand-new website with a quote from the legendary Philip K. Dick: "How To Build A Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later!" It's the foundation of my Yellow Universe Project and the endless possibilities it holds. 


Artworks Overview
Gut Oggau Edition
A Soul to Squeeze
Rotor Graz Exhibition




Spark Art Fair 

The new Art Fair in Vienna

Ernst Koslitsch with Gallery Raum Mit Licht, Vienna
Solopresentation called: Yellow Universe by Ernst Koslitsch
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Read more about the Spark Art Fair and Ernst Koslitsch ->
RML Gallery at Artsy ->

Ernst Koslitsch presents “Yellow Universe” with Gallery Raum mit Licht Vienna at the new Art Fair : Spark !

The Gallery Raum mit Licht in Vienna are proud to pre- sent new sculptures and paintings by Austrian artist Ernst Koslitsch at the New : Spark Art Fair Vienna ->.

The artist works consistently on his ever- growing project „Yellow Universe“. This universe depicts a parallel fantasy world, a fictional culture, and a mysterious society.

For his sculptures, the artist utilizes used yellow painted wooden panels that he finds on construction sites.

 spark art fair vienna, ernst koslitsch with yellow universe
Installation View: Spark Art Fair Booth: Ernt Koslitsch with  “ Yellow Universe” | Gallery Raum mit Licht Vienna | Image by 

contemporary wood sculpture now
Preperation at RML Gallery for the upcoming Spark Art Fair in Vienna | Contemporary new sculptures now

About the Art Practice and Ernst Koslitsch Work 

Each piece he takes to his studio is an object that begins a story onto which
he adds his own. When he starts a project, he carefully selects a piece or
two from his different shaped and sized collection.

Then begins the artistic process of cutting, sawing, nailing, rearranging,painting, and gradually turning into sculptural mirrors of his fantastical worlds.

The lockdowns have given him more time, opening his mind to furthering this world bey- ond abstract sculptural objects he calls flat-lands.

hashtag forever sculpture now at spark art fair Hashtag Forever | Installation View at the new vienna Art Fair Spark | Image by Kunstdokumentationcom

During the pandemic, he began integrating for the first time inhabitants.
Ernst has since been working on rough yet at the same time delicate, filigran figurative wooden creatures, al- lowing us a more in-depth picture of this yellow cosmos.

When the Yellow Universe crowds his mind, and he needs fast release and space, he paints.

raised by wolfs artwork, pastels drawing on cardboard, abstractRaised by Wolfs | Pastels Drawing on Cardboard | Spark Art Fair Vienna

He stands before the empty canvas, the brush touches the white surface, and the magic begins.

Creatures large and small start forming, dominating the canvas in colors that tell us this world is a loud, bright and crazy place.

the artist ernst koslitsch portrait with necklace in yellow The Artist, Ernst Koslitsch, from Yellow Universe | Spark Art Fair

His paintings are narratives of life taking place in this yellow space. His world, inspired and fed by his love for mythological history, and science fictional worlds presen- ted in books, movies, and television series.

Slave to the Rhythm | Wall Sculpture now | Spark Art Fair Vienna Image by Ernst Koslitsch

wall sculpture now, spark art fair featuredBooth: Spark Art Fair Vienna | Image by

It is not all fictional or mythological, but also factual and historical finds such as stone engravings and cave pain- tings that find their way into his work.

His fascination for the mystery of the unexplained triggers questions on the human construct and its faith.

spark art fair vienna Ok Captain! Good Job | Contemporary Painting | 160cm x 150 cm 

Idols such as Philip K Dick question reality in their work, Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek questions so- ciety-related topics in his fictional stories, creating worlds with new constructs, different from our world today.

Ernst watches closely as mankind grows steadily into a society of modern age ideologists, and what effects this has. He is curious if they will eventually make use of digitalization, to form a new kind of civilization.

emerging painting and collecting artSpaceship Mother ONE | Sculpture now | Ernst Koslitsch

All of this, the fictional, the historical mysteries, the fan- tastical and the factual, are all entwined into one fake and constructed Mythology.

A world in his Yellow Universe.

sculpture now

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